Development QA – Who Is Responsible for Defects Found?


When the QA find an error like 'broken design in web programming', do you call it a bug and the corrections 'patches'? (Assume all this is before delivery.)

I was of the feeling that the corrections for bugs found after delivery were called patches.

Developers don't add bugs intentionally and it's QA's duty to find bugs. Sure I agree a programmer should be able to solve the bug, but should the programmer be blamed for these bugs?

Best Answer

As with most things, it depends. As other have pointed out, assigning blame is a good way to discourage someone and is a quick route to having someone leave your organization. Most people don't like being blamed for things all of the time and when you are writing code and it is more or less inevitable that some bugs, errors, and other random faults will slip into the code over time.

However, even pinning down a name for those bugs, errors, and other random faults can be hard as not everything is due to the code you write, if you have a buggy API (rare, but it happens) is it the developers fault or the company who wrote the API's fault? Likewise, if a random hardware fault occurs and something isn't saved correctly, is it even anyone's fault to begin with?

Generally the responsibility for correcting the issue will fall on the developers and sometimes those responsible for interfacing with the customers for the design, but responsibility for correcting the issue is not the same as being blamed for it. Generally, if someone makes a good faith effort to do something correctly, I'm not going to blame them for messing something up, although it might be a learning experience for them. Likewise, if something gets past QA and is deployed, is it QA's fault for not catching the issue ahead of time?

In terms of QA's role: they should be working with the developers and other members of them team to ensure that the final product is as stable and correct as possible.

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