Scrum – Who Should Define, Assign, Implement, and Follow Tasks?


Roles in scrum are Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Scrum Team. A user story should also break down into smaller pieces called tasks. A task seems to have four phases, namely, definition, assignment, implementation, and following.

Who should do what in Scrum about tasks? Is it the responsibility of scrum master to update remaining hours of a task, or is it the responsibility of the developer (scrum team)? Should developers assign tasks to themselves or is it the responsibility of scrum master accompanied by product owner?

Best Answer

Agile follows several principles. One of them is: Empower people. Because of that tasks should be defined by team and tasks should be selected by team members. Tasks should not be assigned to team member. The team should be self organizing and because of that distribution of hard / easy / interesting / boring tasks should be even.

Scrum master should ensure that team follows Scrum principles. He is not a project manager.

This is theory and it works for mature teams. For Scrum beginners it can be sometimes hard but you should at least insist that team members will select task themselves instead of assign them.

update remaining hours of a task

In my opinion estimating tasks and maintaining remaining time is waste. You did commitment on set of user stories so it doesn't matter how long will each task take. The only important is if user story will be completed or not.