Who writes the technical ‘user stories’ in scrum


I know that a product owner should write a user story in scrum.

A user story is describing a feature for the end user.

But who describes what needs to be technically developed and how it needs to be implemented

and where is that information stored concerning scrum?

That would really interest me!

I see a big lack of knowledge in our company when developer start to implement the story but they do not know HOW to implement it!

For example they have to deal with a legacy COM API and have no idea how to handle it or they are not that technically skilled with WPF/WEB or whatever.

How does scrum help that people to start with the user story?

Best Answer

Non-agile-hater here. Fleshing out the details of implementation and determining the tasks that need to be done happens during the sprint planning meeting, which will turn the user stories into actual tasks/requirements for the sprint. The failure of many agile processes is that the sprint planning meeting is actually supposed be done largely by the developers...if it is just the product owners, they'll just decide to get the moon. This is where you'd come up with a (rather nebulous) user story like:

As a non-technical user, I need to have a simpler interface with the API

While the product owner defines which user stories are the highest priority, then the programmers take those priorities and turn them into a list of tasks (called the sprint backlog). This is where you get the idea of how you are going to implement things...the sprint backlog can be as technical as you please. This is also where you'll find out "to achieve a simpler API, we'll have to refactor that crazy COM API. Anyone know how to use that?". When the answer is "Hell No" you'll start to see that the scope of that user story might be larger than it seems. Given that, you should could break the user story into the tasks:

  • Document and understand the current API
  • Design new API
  • Implement new API
  • Whatever...

Given this, it is OK to negotiate the user stories to break them into smaller changes. The agile methodology means that you want to approach what the person wants in incremental steps. So you may say "Hey look. We can't overhaul the API in just one iteration. Lets split it into 'As a non-technical customer, I need a well documented API' ect".