HTML and CSS – Why Use Divs for Tables?


In modern web development I'm coming across this pattern ever more often. It looks like this:

<div class="table">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="cell"></div>
        <div class="cell"></div>
        <div class="cell"></div>

And in CSS there is something like:

.table { display: table; }
.row { display: table-row; }
.cell { display: table-cell; }

* (Class name are illustrative only; in real life those are normal class names reflecting what the element is about)

I even recently tried doing this myself because… you know, everyone's doing it.

But I still don't get it. Why are we doing this? If you need a table, then just make a blasted <table> and be done with it. Yes, even if it's for layout. That's what tables are for – laying out stuff in tabular fashion.

The best explanation that I have is that by now everyone has heard the mantra of "don't use tables for layout", so they follow it blindly. But they still need a table for layout (because nothing else has the expanding capabilities of a table), so they make a <div> (because it's not a table!) and then add CSS that makes it a table anyway.

For all the world this looks to me like putting arbitrary unnecessary obstacles in your way and then doing extra work to circumvent them.

The original argument for moving away from tables for layout was that it's hard to modify a tabular layout afterwards. But modifying a "faux-table" layout is just as hard, and for the same reasons. In fact, in practice modifying a layout is always hard, and it's almost never enough to just change the CSS, if you want to do something more serious than minor tweaks. You will need to understand and change HTML structure for serious design changes. And tables don't make the job any harder or easier than divs.

In fact, the only way I see that tables could make a layout difficult to modify, is if you abused them and created an ungodly mess. You can do that with divs too.

So… in an attempt to change this from a rant into a coherent question: what am I missing? What are the actual benefits of using a "faux-table" over a real one?

About the duplicate link: This isn't a suggestion to use another tag or something. This is a question about using a <table> vs display:table.

Best Answer

This is a common pattern for making responsive tables. Tabular data is tricky to display on mobiles since the page will either be zoomed in to read text, meaning tables go off the side of the page and the user has to scroll backwards and forwards to read the table, or the page will be zoomed out, usually meaning that the table is too small to be able to read.

Responsive tables change layout on smaller screens - sometimes some columns are hidden or columns are amalgamated, e.g. name and email address might be separate on large screens, but collapse down into one cell on small screens so the information is readable without having to scroll.

<div>s are used to create the tables instead of <table> tags for a couple of reasons. If <table> tags are used then you need to override the browser default styles and layout before adding your own code, so in this case <div> tags save on a lot of boilerplate CSS. Additionally, older versions of IE don't allow you to override default table styles, so using <div>s also smooths cross-browser development.

There's a pretty good overview of responsive tables on CSS-Tricks.

Edit: I should point out that I'm not advocating this pattern - it falls into the divitis trap and isn't semantic - but this is why you'll find tables made from divs.

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