C Arrays – Why Can’t C Arrays Have Zero Length?


The C11 standard says the arrays, both sized and variable length "shall have a value greater than zero." What is the justification for not allowing a length of 0?

Especially for variable length arrays it makes perfect sense to have a size of zero every once and a while. It is also useful for static arrays when their size is from a macro or build configuration option.

Interestingly GCC (and clang) provide extensions that allow zero length arrays. Java also allows arrays of length zero.

Best Answer

The issue I would wager is that C arrays are just pointers to the beginning of an allocated chunk of memory. Having a 0 size would mean that you have a pointer to... nothing? You can't have nothing, so there would have had to be some arbitrary thing chosen. You can't use null, because then your 0 length arrays would look like null pointers. And at that point every different implementation is going to pick different arbitrary behaviors, leading to chaos.

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