Language Design – Why Design a Modern Language Without Exception-Handling?


Many modern languages provide rich exception handling features, but Apple's Swift programming language does not provide an exception handling mechanism.

Steeped in exceptions as I am, I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around what this means. Swift has assertions, and of course return values; but I'm having trouble picturing how my exception-based way of thinking maps to a world without exceptions (and, for that matter, why such a world is desirable). Are there things I can't do in a language like Swift that I could do with exceptions? Do I gain something by losing exceptions?

How for example might I best express something like

except IOError:
     # we don't want to catch the IOError if it's raised

in a language (Swift, for example) that lacks exception handling?

Best Answer

In embedded programming, exceptions were traditionally not allowed, because the overhead of the stack unwinding you have to do was deemed an unacceptable variability when trying to maintain real-time performance. While smartphones could technically be considered real time platforms, they are powerful enough now where the old limitations of embedded systems don't really apply anymore. I just bring it up for the sake of thoroughness.

Exceptions are often supported in functional programming languages, but so rarely used that they may as well not be. One reason is lazy evaluation, which is done occasionally even in languages that are not lazy by default. Having a function that executes with a different stack than the place it was queued to execute makes it difficult to determine where to put your exception handler.

The other reason is first class functions allow for constructs like options and futures that give you the syntactic benefits of exceptions with more flexibility. In other words, the rest of the language is expressive enough that exceptions don't buy you anything.

I'm not familiar with Swift, but the little I've read about its error handling suggests they intended for error handling to follow more functional-style patterns. I've seen code examples with success and failure blocks that look very much like futures.

Here's an example using a Future from this Scala tutorial:

val f: Future[List[String]] = future {
f onFailure {
  case t => println("An error has occured: " + t.getMessage)
f onSuccess {
  case posts => for (post <- posts) println(post)

You can see it has roughly the same structure as your example using exceptions. The future block is like a try. The onFailure block is like an exception handler. In Scala, as in most functional languages, Future is implemented completely using the language itself. It doesn't require any special syntax like exceptions do. That means you can define your own similar constructs. Maybe add a timeout block, for example, or logging functionality.

Additionally, you can pass the future around, return it from the function, store it in a data structure, or whatever. It's a first-class value. You're not limited like exceptions which must be propagated straight up the stack.

Options solve the error handling problem in a slightly different way, which works better for some use cases. You're not stuck with just the one method.

Those are the sorts of things you "gain by losing exceptions."

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