History of BASIC – Why Line Numbers Were Used

historylanguage-designsource code

Why did old BASICs (and maybe other languages) use line numbers as part of the source code?

I mean, what problems did it (try to) solve?

Best Answer

BASIC needs to be taken into context with its contemporary languages: early fortran, cobol and assembly.

Back when I was dabbling on 6502 assembly without labels, this meant that when you found that you needed to add an instruction somewhere in the middle of tightly packed code (I later added NOPs) you needed to go through and redo all of the jump addresses. This was time consuming.

Fortran was a line numbered based system that predated BASIC. In Fortran, columns 1-5 were a line number to be used for targets for branching. The key thing with Fortran was that the compilers tended to be a bit more intelligent than the BASIC interpreter and adding a few instructions was just a matter of punching some cards and putting them in the deck at the right place.

BASIC, on the other hand had to keep all of its instructions ordered. There wasn't much of a concept of a 'continuation of the previous line'. Instead, in Applesoft BASIC (one of the widely used dialects that I am familiar with and can find information on) each line in memory was represented as:

NN NN   TT TT   AA BB CC DD .. .. 00

It had two bytes for the address of the next line (NN NN). Two bytes for the line number of this line (TT TT), and then a list of tokens (AA BB CC DD .. ..) followed by the end of line marker (00). (This is from page 84-88 of Inside the Apple //e)

An important point to realize when looking at that memory representation is that the lines can be stored in memory out of order. The structure of memory was that of a linked list with a 'next line' pointer in the structure. This made it easy to add new lines between two lines - but you had to number each line for it to work properly.

Many times when working with BASIC, you were actually working in BASIC itself. In particular, a given string was either a line number and BASIC instructions, or a command to the basic interpreter to RUN or LIST. This made it easy to distinguish the code from the commands - all code starts with numbers.

These two pieces of information identifies why numbers were used - you can get a lot of information in 16 bits. String based labels would take much more space and are harder to order. Numbers are easy to work with, understandable, and easier to represent.

Later BASIC dialects where you weren't in the interpreter all the time were able to do away with the every line numbered and instead only needed to number the lines that were branch targets. In effect, labels.

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