Stack vs Heap – Why Use a Heap if Stack is More Efficient?


This is actually somewhat related to the question I asked yesterday about why both a Stack and a Heap are necessary in the applications we use today (and why we can't just go with a Heap instead of both, in order to have a simple & singular standard to go by).

However, many of the responses indicated that a Stack is irreplaceable due to the fact that is many hundreds (or thousands) of times faster than trying to allocate/reference the Heap. I know there is a problem with dynamic storage allocation if we do away with the Heap, but isn't there a way around this, or perhaps, a way to improve on the Stack so that it can handle dynamic memory allocation?

Best Answer

The problem with stacks is that you can't "free" memory unless it is on top of the stack. For instance, say you allocated 3 things of varying sizes:

a = allocate(2000000); // 2000000 bytes
b = allocate(1);
c = allocate(5000000);

The stack would have a on the bottom, b in the middle, and c on top. This becomes problematic if we want to free b:

free(b); // b is not on top! We have to wait until c is freed!

The workaround is to move all the data after b and shift if so that it comes after a. This works, but will require 5000000 copies in this case - something that will be much slower than a heap.

This is why we have a heap. While allocation may be slower than a stack (O(log n) vs O(1)), heaps allow freeing memory at an arbitrary location to be fast - O(log n), compared to a stack's O(n)