Programming Practices – Why Are Callback Functions Needed?

luaprogramming practicesprogramming-languages

I am reading the book programming in Lua. It said that

Closures provide a valuable tool in many contexts. As we have seen, they are
useful as arguments to higher-order functions such as sort. Closures are valuable for functions that build other functions too, like our newCounter example;
this mechanism allows Lua programs to incorporate sophisticated programming
techniques from the functional world. Closures are useful for callback functions,
too. A typical example here occurs when you create buttons in a conventional
GUI toolkit. Each button has a callback function to be called when the user
presses the button; you want different buttons to do slightly different things
when pressed. For instance, a digital calculator needs ten similar buttons, one
for each digit. Y ou can create each of them with a function like this:

function digitButton (digit)
  return Button{label = tostring(digit),
                action = function ()

It seems that if I call the digitButton, it will return the action (this will create a closure), so, I can access the digit passed to digitButton.

My question is that:

Why we need call back functions? what situations can I apply this to?

The author said:

In this example, we assume that Button is a toolkit function that creates new
buttons; label is the button label; and action is the callback closure to be
called when the button is pressed. The callback can be called a long time after
digitButton did its task and after the local variable digit went out of scope, but
it can still access this variable.

according to the author, I think a similar example is like this:

function Button(t)
  -- maybe you should set the button here
  return t.action -- so that you can call this later

function add_to_display(digit)
  print ("Display the button label: " .. tostring(digit))

function digitButton(digit)
  return Button{label = tostring(digit),
                action = function ()

click_action = digitButton(10)

thus, the callback can be called a long time after digitButton did its task and after the local variable digit went out of scope.

Best Answer

Guy 1 to Guy 2: hey dude I wanna do something when a user clicks in there, call me back when that happens alright?

Guy 2 calls back Guy 1 when a user clicks here.

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