Assembly Language – Why Donald Knuth Writes TAOCP Using Assembly


I don't hate using assembly language, since I have written some in my os course. But obviously, assembly language lacks abstraction, you have to pay more attention to the details.

Is assembly language really essential to write TAOCP?

Best Answer

He not only uses MIXAL, his assembly language for MIX, but also MIX, a model for a simple computer (like one which was used in the sixties). This is a model for teaching with which he is, to some extent, independent of development in the field.

If he'd used another programming language (which one, by the way, would you think would have been suited?), say NPL (nifty programming language), he would have had to either abandon the idea of using MIX or to introduce a compiler of some computer language of choice (which is a far more complex thing than what he is dealing with in Vol 1). That way it would not have become TAOCP but TAONPLP. The first one is independent of such a choice and, for this reason, timeless in a way few books about programming will ever be. The second one would probably be forgotten by now...

Also, as long as computers are working in principle the way his MIX does, it is a good thing to take that into account if you are really interested in learning how to work with them.

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