Lisp Coding Standards – Why Accumulate Parentheses at the End of Functions


Why does the Lisp community prefer to accumulate all the parentheses at the end of the function:

(defn defer-expensive [cheap expensive]
  (if-let [good-enough (force cheap)]
    (force expensive)))

Why not employ a convention like C or Java?
Well ok, Lisp is much more older than those languages, but I'm talking about the contemporary Lispers.

(defn defer-expensive [cheap expensive]
  (if-let [good-enough (force cheap)]
    (force expensive)

Note: Code snippet is from the book "The Joy of Clojure".

Best Answer

One reason Algol-based languages encourage the braces on their own line is to encourage adding more lines in between the delimiting braces without having to move the braces. That is, if one starts out with

if (pred)

it's easy to come along and add another statement within the braces:

if (pred)

Had the original form been

if (pred)
{ printf("yes"); }

then we'd have to have "moved" two braces, but my example is more concerned with the latter. Here, the braces are delimiting what's intended to be a sequence of statements, mostly invoked for side effect.

Conversely, Lisp lacks statements; every form is expression, yielding some value—even if in some rare cases (thinking of Common Lisp), that value is deliberately chosen to be "no values" via an empty (values) form. It's less common to find sequences of expressions, as opposed to nested expressions. The desire to "open up a sequence of steps until the closing delimiter" doesn't arise as often, because as statements go away and return values become more common currency, it's more rare to ignore the return value of an expression, and hence more rare to evaluate a sequence of expressions for side effect alone.

In Common Lisp, the progn form is an exception (as are its siblings):


Here, progn evaluates the three expressions in order, but discards the return values of the first two. You could imagine writing that last closing parenthesis on its own line, but note again that since the last form is special here (not in the Common Lisp sense of being special, though), with distinct treatment, it's more likely that one would add new expressions in the middle of the sequence, rather than just "adding another one on to the end," as callers would then be impacted not just by any new side effects but rather by a likely change in return value.

Making a gross simplification, the parentheses in most parts of a Lisp program are delimiting arguments passed to functions—just like in C-like languages—and not delimiting statement blocks. For the same reasons we tend to keep the parentheses bounding a function call in C close around the arguments, so too do we do the same in Lisp, with less motivation to deviate from that close grouping.

The closing of the parentheses is of far less import than the indentation of the form where they open. In time, one learns to ignore the parentheses and write and read by shape—much like Python programmers do. However, don't let that analogy lead you to think that removing the parentheses entirely would be worthwhile. No, that's a debate best saved for comp.lang.lisp.

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