Event Sourcing – Why It’s Considered an Anti-Pattern


Why event sourcing an entire system is a big mistake and considered an anti-pattern?

And what situation it's consider an anti-pattern?

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Updated Question :

Still don't understand why build whole event-sourcing create big monolith? What if I use process manager is it still a monolith?

As Greg Young mentioned CQRS is not an top-tier architecture? What actually is top-tier architecture then?

What is the scope of entire system that Greg Young mentioned?

I don't see any mistake to have entire system as events. It's seem to be more consistence to use pure CQRS without mixed others concept (Except I have to).

Best Answer

Event Sourcing is hard and doesn't achieve a great deal on its own.

Also, People confuse Event Sourcing with a whole tonne of other things and find that they haven't achieved what they expected at the end of the project.

Having said that, I bet you can find articles on the internet saying anything is an anti-pattern with very little effort. These ideas tend to arrive, get hyped as the next best thing and then dropped by most people in very short order.

Make sure you understand what you are trying to achieve and why the pattern helps you before you decide to implement it.