Clean Code – Why Avoid Protected Variables

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Clean Code suggests avoiding protected variables in the "Vertical Distance" section of the "Formatting" chapter:

Concepts that are closely related should be kept vertically close to each other. Clearly this rule doesn't work for concepts that belong in separate files. But then closely related concepts should not be separated into different files unless you have a very good reason. Indeed, this is one of the reasons that protected variables should be avoided.

What is the reasoning?

Best Answer

Protected variables should be avoided because:

  1. They tend to lead to YAGNI issues. Unless you have a descendant class that actually does stuff with the protected member, make it private.
  2. They tend to lead to LSP issues. Protected variables generally have some intrinsic invariance associated with them (or else they'd be public). Inheritors then need to maintain those properties, which people can screw up or willfully violate.
  3. They tend to violate OCP. If the base class makes too many assumptions about the protected member, or the inheritor is too flexible with the behavior of the class, it can lead to the base class' behavior being modified by that extension.
  4. They tend to lead to inheritance for extension rather than composition. This tends to lead to tighter coupling, more violations of SRP, more difficult testing, and a slew of other things that fall within the 'favor composition over inheritance' discussion.

But as you see, all of these are 'tend to'. Sometimes a protected member is the most elegant solution. And protected functions tend to have fewer of these issues. But there are a number of things that cause them to be treated with care. With anything that requires that sort of care, people will make mistakes and in the programming world that means bugs and design problems.

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