Quicksort Performance – Why is Quicksort Better Than Other Sorting Algorithms?


This is a repost of a question on cs.SE by Janoma. Full credits and spoils to him or cs.SE.

In a standard algorithms course we are taught that quicksort is O(n log n) on average and O(n²) in the worst case. At the same time, other sorting algorithms are studied which are O(n log n) in the worst case (like mergesort and heapsort), and even linear time in the best case (like bubblesort) but with some additional needs of memory.

After a quick glance at some more running times it is natural to say that quicksort should not be as efficient as others.

Also, consider that students learn in basic programming courses that recursion is not really good in general because it could use too much memory, etc. Therefore (and even though this is not a real argument), this gives the idea that quicksort might not be really good because it is a recursive algorithm.

Why, then, does quicksort outperform other sorting algorithms in practice? Does it have to do with the structure of real-world data? Does it have to do with the way memory works in computers? I know that some memories are way faster than others, but I don't know if that's the real reason for this counter-intuitive performance (when compared to theoretical estimates).

Best Answer

I wouldn't agree that quicksort is better than other sorting algorithms in practice.

For most purposes, Timsort - the hybrid between mergesort/insertion sort which exploits the fact that the data you sort often starts out nearly sorted or reverse sorted.

The simplest quicksort (no random pivot) treats this potentially common case as O(N^2) (reducing to O(N lg N) with random pivots), while TimSort can handle these cases in O(N).

According to these benchmarks in C# comparing the built-in quicksort to TimSort, Timsort is significantly faster in the mostly sorted cases, and slightly faster in the random data case and TimSort gets better if the comparison function is particularly slow. I haven't repeated these benchmarks and would not be surprised if quicksort slightly beat TimSort for some combination of random data or if there is something quirky in C#'s builtin sort (based on quicksort) that is slowing it down. However, TimSort has distinct advantages when data may be partially sorted, and is roughly equal to quicksort in terms of speed when the data is not partially sorted.

TimSort also has an added bonus of being a stable sort, unlike quicksort. The only disadvantage of TimSort uses O(N) versus O(lg N) memory in the usual (fast) implementation.

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