Lisp – Why Is the Empty List Used as the List Terminator?


It seems to me that the list terminator in Lisp could be any arbitrary value. For example, the string terminator in C is the null pointer. Is there a philosophical reason why the empty list was chosen to terminate lists?

Best Answer

A Lisp list is not really terminated with an empty list -- it's terminated with a special value, traditionally called nil. As it happens, that also traditionally evaluates as false -- which makes it about as close to C's null pointer as you can get (in C, a null pointer constant is an integer constant equal to zero, which also evaluates to false).

enter image description here

An empty list is basically just a rather short-hand way of expressing NIL -- since you don't even have a single cons cell, all you're left with is the NIL that terminates the list. In other words, it's not that a list is terminated with an empty list -- it's that an empty list consists of only a terminator.

Using dot notation, it's possible to link cons cells together in other ways, but the result isn't a "list" as the term is normally used.

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