Static Analysis – Why Some Consider It Testing and Others Do Not

qualitystatic analysistestingvalidationverification

Preparing myself also to ISTQB certification, I found they call static analysis actually as a static testing, while some engineering book distinct between static analysis and testing, which is the dynamic activity. I tent to think that static analysis is not a testing in the true sense as it does not test, it checks/verifies. But sure I would love to hear opinion of the true experts here.
Thank you

Best Answer

In many respects, your question is the corollary of a number of recent discussions, about where the line is drawn.


Quite simply, the line depends on which standard, and which lifecycle you are following.

Personally, as an advocate of ISO/IEC 12207, I put Static Code Analysis firmly in the Verification camp, as it is a review activity, whereas Dynamic Analysis is a testing activity, therefore a Validation phase.

As an aside, I had never heard SCA referred to as Static Testing, so I Googled... Wikipedia defines it, pretty much as a synonym of SCA. I prefer to use the terms Static Analysis, and restrict testing to cover the actual execution.

I'm not that familiar with ISTQB so I can't draw the specific line for that certification for you.

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