History of ASCII – Why Was It Needed?

asciicharacter encodinghistory

With an encoding such as EBCDIC being in existence already (and being 8 bit to boot), what was the need to invent yet another encoding and a 7 bit one at that?

Why was ASCII invented and what problems with EBCDIC did supposed to solve?

Best Answer

Development of ASCII started earlier than what you think (see for instance Eric Fischer's The Evolution of Character Codes, 1874-1968) and IBM 360 - for which EBCDIC was developed -- should have used ASCII if its development had not been so slow (see http://www.bobbemer.com/P-BIT.HTM)

See also C. E. Mackenzie, Coded Character Sets, History and Development, ser. The systems programming series. Addison-Wesley, 1980. which describes the development of ASCII, EBCDIC and some other character sets with rationale for some of the assignations (things about chain printers and punched cards are fascinatingly obsolete but still have influence on what we use).

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