Would Rebol (or Red) benefit from Lisp-style Macros


As a 'seasoned' Rebol developer with some knowledge of the world outside, I'd be curious as to the utility/pitfalls of implementing Lisp-style macros in Rebol (and/or Red).

My understanding (always happy to revise) is that Lisp is able to preprocess code prior to evaluation/compilation, modifying that code according to the rules of the applicable macros. This can allow for more complex/expressive statements than otherwise, with efficiencies as those statements are expanded only once as a body of code is loaded. The macro rules themselves are relatively straightforward as the homoiconicity of Lisp allows the code to be manipulated by the same terms one would modify data.

As Rebol is also a homoiconic language, it stands that it too could accommodate macros between loading and evaluation with similarly expressive transformation grammar (though I'd posit that Rebol's more freeform evaluation model—statements not generally bound by parentheses—makes it harder to identify the portions of code to be transformed).

My own inclination is that in the main, macros aren't really necessary in Rebol—you can already create complex code structures that are fairly efficient, and where more efficiency is desired, Rebol has the capabilities to accommodate without significant loss of expressivity. On the other had, 'fairly' and 'no significant loss' could be considered weasel words and macros do offer an efficiency/expressivity bump, but at what implementation cost?

Also, as in Rebol you can load code prior to evaluation, it would be possible to implement a mechanism for load-expand-evaluate at the user-level permitting third-party macro implementations.

This post is partly a response to this question and everything (pretty much) I know about macros comes from this exchange.


Entering the World of Macros

Red introduced a rudimentary macro system in version 0.6.2. I have used them effectively to create cross-compatible scripts that target both the Ren-C branch of Rebol 3 and Red.

Best Answer

This is the first time I hear about Rebol, but from a quick look at the Wikipedia page it seems to me that Rebol dialects are just like Lisp macros: they both receive ordinary code of the language that has passed lexical and syntactic(but not semantic!) processing, and process it with their own semantical rules.

So, Rebol will not benefit from Lisp macros, because it already has that feature under a different name, and having two core-language features that do exactly the same thing is bad - especially for languages that rely on Homoiconicity, where uniform simplicity in the syntax is the key to their magic.


The asker explainer in the comments that macros have the advantage that they are expanded once, before the code execution, and injected into the code.

This, IMO, will make things worse, because it would mess up the order of parsing!

For example, let's say we have the Rebol command foo x bar y, where foo is a dialect and bar is a macro. What should the interpreter do? Depends on foo's arit:

  • If foo accepts a single argument, that means we have two commands: foo x and bar y. So bar y needs to be expanded.
  • If foo accepts three arguments, that means that we have one command, and bar is the second argument of foo. This means bar shouldn't be expanded, and instead passed to foo as-is.

The rules are clear - for a human, and probably for static compilers as well. But Rebol is dynamic and interpreted, so foo is only evaluated when it needs to be executed - but bar should be expanded before that happens! So now the interpreted needs to evaluate the dialects before it expands the macros, so it can expand the macros before it evaluated the dialect, and round and round the interpreted goes trying to resolve the circle...

Lisp doesn't have this problem, because:

  • It's easy to know where a function/macro begins, because you need to put them in parenthesis. You can't have foo x bar y - you need to either have (foo x bar y) or (foo x) (bar y) or even (foo x (bar y)), so it's easy for the interpreter to know what you are trying to do.
  • Lisp doesn't have dialects - only functions and macros. And since functions don't control the evaluation of their arguments - macros always evaluate themselves. If Rebol didn't have dialects, and foo was a function, foo x bar y would require the interpreter to first evaluate x, bar and y, and since bar is a macro it would have expanded regardless of foo's arity, because foo has no control whatsoever on the evaluation of it's arguments.