Unicode UTF-8 – Can UTF-8 Support Millions of New Characters for an Alien Language?


In the event an alien invasion occurred and we were forced to support their languages in all of our existing computer systems, is UTF-8 designed in a way to allow for their possibly vast amount of characters?

(Of course, we do not know if aliens actually have languages, if or how they communicate, but for the sake of the argument, please just imagine they do.)

For instance, if their language consisted of millions of newfound glyphs, symbols, and/or combining characters, could UTF-8 theoretically be expanded in a non-breaking way to include these new glyphs and still support all existing software?

I'm more interested in if the glyphs far outgrew the current size limitations and required more bytes to represent a single glyph. In the event UTF-8 could not be expanded, does that prove that the single advantage over UTF-32 is simply size of lower characters?

Best Answer

The Unicode standard has lots of space to spare. The Unicode codepoints are organized in “planes” and “blocks”. Of 17 total planes, there are 11 currently unassigned. Each plane holds 65,536 characters, so there's realistically half a million codepoints to spare for an alien language (unless we fill all of that up with more emoji before first contact). As of Unicode 8.0, only 120,737 code points have been assigned in total (roughly 10% of the total capacity), with roughly the same amount being unassigned but reserved for private, application-specific use. In total, 974,530 codepoints are unassigned.

UTF-8 is a specific encoding of Unicode, and is currently limited to four octets (bytes) per code point, which matches the limitations of UTF-16. In particular, UTF-16 only supports 17 planes. Previously, UTF-8 supported 6 octets per codepoint, and was designed to support 32768 planes. In principle this 4 byte limit could be lifted, but that would break the current organization structure of Unicode, and would require UTF-16 to be phased out – unlikely to happen in the near future considering how entrenched it is in certain operating systems and programming languages.

The only reason UTF-16 is still in common use is that it's an extension to the flawed UCS-2 encoding which only supported a single Unicode plane. It otherwise inherits undesirable properties from both UTF-8 (not fixed-width) and UTF-32 (not ASCII compatible, waste of space for common data), and requires byte order marks to declare endianness. Given that despite these problems UTF-16 is still popular, I'm not too optimistic that this is going to change by itself very soon. Hopefully, our new Alien Overlords will see this impediment to Their rule, and in Their wisdom banish UTF-16 from the face of the earth.