Programming Practices – Writing Robust Code vs. Overengineering

programming practicesself-improvement

How do you guys know that you are writing the most robust code possible without overengineering?

I find myself thinking too much about every possible path that my code can take, and it feels like a waste of time sometimes. I guess it depends on the kind of program you are writing, but I don't want to use too much of my time taking situations into account that will never happen.

Best Answer

How do you guys know that you are writing the most robust code possible without overengineering?

What do you consider robust code? Code that is already future proof and so powerful that it can deal with any situation? Wrong, no one can predict the future! And wrong again, because it'll be a complicated, unmaintainable mess.

I follow various principles: First and foremost YAGNI (yet) and KISS, so I don't write unecessary code. That also effectively prevents overengineering. I refactor the application when extensions are needed. Modern refactoring tools let you quite easily create interfaces and exchange implementations afterwards when you need them.

Then I try to make the code I write as robust as possible, that includes eliminating as many paths the program can take (and also states) as possible and a bit of Spartan programming. A great help are "atomic" functions/methods that do not rely on external states or at least don't leave the program in an inconsistend state when they fail. If you do that well, it's also very unlikely that you'll ever end up with spaghetti code and it's a blessing for maintainability, too. Also, in object oriented design, the SOLID principles are a great guide to robust code.

I've really found out that often times you can reduce complexity, for example combinatorial explosions of program paths or states, by deeply thinking about how you could design it as the straightest path possible. Try to keep the possible combinations at a minimum by choosing the best ordering of your subroutines and designing them for this purpose.

Robust code is most always simple and clean code, but simplicity is a trait that is not always easily achieved. Yet, you should strive for it. Always just write the simplest code possible and only add complexity when you have no other choice.

Simplicity is robust, complexity is fragile.

Complexity kills.

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