Y combinator and tail call optimizations


The definition of a Y combinator in F# is

let rec y f x = f (y f) x

f expects to have as a first argument some continuation for the recursive subproblems.
Using the y f as a continuation, we see that f will be applied to successive calls as we can develop

let y f x = f (y f) x = f (f (y f)) x = f (f (f (y f))) x etc...

The problem is that, a priori, this scheme precludes using any tail call optimization : indeed, there might be some operation pending in the f's, in which case we can't just mutate the local stack frame associated with f.

So :

  • on the one end, using the Y combinator require an explicit different continuation than the function itself.
  • on the othe to apply TCO, we would like to have no operation pending in f and only call f itself.

Do you know of any way in which those two could be reconciled ?
Like a Y with accumulator trick, or a Y with CPS trick ?
Or an argument proving that there is no way it can be done ?

Best Answer

Do you know of any way in which those two could be reconciled?

No, and with good reason, IMHO.

The Y-combinator is a theoretical construct and is only needed to make lambda calculus turing complete (remember, there are no loops in lambda calculus, nor do lambdas have names we could use for recursion).

As such, the Y combinator is truly fascinating.

But: Nobody actually uses the Y-combinator for actual recursion! (Except maybe for fun, to show that it really works.)

Tail-call optimization, OTOH, is, as the name says, an optimization. It adds nothing to the expresiveness of a language, it is only because of practical considerations like stack space and performance of recursive code that we care about it.

So your question is like: Is there hardware support for beta reduction? (Beta reduction is how lambda expressions are reduced, you know.) But no functional language (as far as I am aware of) compiles its source code to a representation of lambda expressions that will be beta reduced at runtime.

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