VRRP and VRRP-Extended


Is VRRP-E a completely separate standard than VRRP or does it just add on features to the VRRP standard? What are some major differences between VRRP and VRRP-E?

Best Answer

VRRP-E is Brocade only. From Brocade documentation:

VRRP-E is a Brocade protocol that provides the benefits of VRRP without the limitations. VRRP-E is unlike VRRP in the following ways:

  • There is no “Owner” router. You do not need to use an IP address configured on one of the Layer 3 Switches as the virtual router ID (VRID), which is the address you are backing up for redundancy. The VRID is independent of the IP interfaces configured in the Layer 3 Switches. As a result, the protocol does not have an “Owner” as VRRP does.

  • There is no restriction on which router can be the default master router. In VRRP, the “Owner” (the Layer 3 Switch on which the IP interface that is used for the VRID is configured) must be the default Master.

Brocade Layer 3 Switches configured for VRRP-E can interoperate only with other Brocade Layer 3 Switches.