Abuse of Adobe Flash


Lots of websites in the wild seem to abuse their visitors by automatically starting flash based advertisements / trailers and the like. What are the defenses modern browsers offer, for example,

  1. Disallow automatic playing for a specific URL / site/ domain
  2. Disallow speaker use [flash does not allow this to be configured and I'm especially annoyed with speaker abuse]?

Of course, removing flash altogether is not an option 🙂


A clarification: I visit the sites in question because they've useful content… but I don't care for them hogging my speaker… Bandwidth sacrifice I can live with…
IE does have a "Play sounds on web pages" option but it's not per page/site. I do need flash per se [for watching podcasts etc.].

Best Answer

There are several means:

  • Stop Autoplay, a Firefox add-on that does the obvious;
  • Flashblock, similar deal;
  • FlashMute, to control Flash audio (I find sites that autoplay Flash audio to be the most irritating and almost always get closed immediately); and
  • Uninstall Flash. My laptop doesn't have it installed and you'll be surprised how much you don't miss it.
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