Ajax – Methods for preventing flicker when navigating between pages


I must say that I am exhausted from searching for the last 3 hours. I know this issue has been investigated before, and I have tried several solutions to no avail.

I have an asp.net website with a master page which contains a top navigation menu for navigating between different pages. I would like to prevent the flickering when I navigate between these pages. I'll just make a note that this flicker occurs in IE and Chrome while it does not occur in firefox.

The methods I have tried:

  • using the several meta tag solutions, such as: <meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="Alpha(opacity=100)" />

  • wrapping the contentplaceholder in the master page with an updatepanel

  • wrapping just the navigation menu in the update panel.

None of these methods is working and I really don't think that using iframes is a good solution for my case.

Are there any other solutions ?

Best Answer

It seems like the problem was that I had a lot of javascript files in the head section, so when I moved it to the bottom, just before the closing body tag, the flickering was mitigated substantially. This solution can be found in this question on stack overflow.

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