Akamai Integration

akamaihttpweb services

I want to use Akamai to store files. I want to know whether Akamai provides any API (e.g. web services) for us to upload, download, list files? Appreciate if anyone could provide some documents for a newbie.

Another question is, if I upload video files to Akamai, does it provide video streaming capability?

Best Answer

Akamai provide an API to allow your customers to download files.

From their web site it is called "Client-side Downloads"

Client-side Downloads offers the ability to offload a significant portion of edge delivery onto a managed and secure network of clients - using client-to-client delivery - to provide a lower cost download solution that respects the clients. Good uses may include software downloads, patches, and updates, background software and drivers, and downloadable video and games used by about a thousand or more people.


Here is further detail on how to interact with their API


I was at their presentation the other day and they spoke about a Video Stream product coming out mid to late 2012.

I ran into another company that did video hosting and streaming called Movideo

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