Alter column length with liquibase


I am having problems changing a column length in my postgres db with liquibase.

I have a table account with a field description varchar(300). I want to change it to varchar(2000).

I have dropped and recreated the primary key in the same file so I don't have permissions issues or schema / db names or anything like this. For the sake of testing I have cleared the table of data.

I am running

<changeSet author="liquibase" id="sample">

I'm getting this error text but I can't understand the issue. The only constraint the column had was a not null constraint and I successfully added a separate changelog to remove this constraint (ignoring the fact I don't see why this would affect extending the length of the field).

Can anyone point to what I am doing wrong?

Best Answer

You can increase the size of your column like this:

<changeSet author="liquibase" id="sample">
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