Amazon-web-services – Push Messaging with Amazon SNS, SQS and PHP


I want to use Amazon SNS to send time-critical mobile PUSH notifications to 20 million devices. Each topic can have up to 10,000 devices, and I can create up to 3,000 topics. Using the Amazon PHP SDK would mean sending 2000 API calls at 1 second each – 33 minutes in total. This is no good for time-critical messages.

I have created an SQS queue and subscribed that to the SNS topic. When I send my PUSH message to the SQS queue, it doesn't get delivered – it remains in the queue.

How can I use these services to send the messages more quickly?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Did you check the Queue Policy? When you create it, by default it has no policy and only the owner is able to use it.

Check the IAM user you are using with the API and make sure you have the policy on the SQS granting rights to him.

I have used SNS in the past to deliver around 1.5MM notifications each month and I had no problems. But I have no proven track record or experience at the rate you need. But I suggest you to take a look at the following article which talks a little bit about SNS x GCM.

Hope this helps.

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