Android adb “Unable to open sync connection!”


I can run and debug my Android app on my phone just fine, most of the time. Then, seemingly randomly, when I try to run or debug my app from Eclipse, the Console in Eclipse says:

[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] Android Launch!
[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] adb is running normally.
[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] Performing com.mycompany.myapp.MyActivity activity launch
[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] Automatic Target Mode: using device 'HT01TP800561'
[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] Uploading myapp.apk onto device 'HT01TP800561'
[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] Failed to upload myapp.apk on device 'HT01TP800561'
[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] Unable to open sync connection!
[2010-10-12 09:36:48 - myapp] Launch canceled!
  • Retry: doesn't help, same messages.
  • Restart Eclipse: doesn't help.
  • Restart adb (adb kill-server && adb start-server): no errors, doesn't help.
  • Reconnect the phone: sometimes helps.
  • Reboot the computer: kind of drastic, haven't tried this yet.

Using Ubuntu 10.4, Eclipse Galileo 3.5.2, Android SDK 7, ADT plugin 0.9.6, Nexus One, Android 2.2.1.

Any bright ideas?

Best Answer

I was having exactly the same problem, but I already had my phone connected to the computer's USB port. Sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting the cord worked but then it stopped working completely. However, disabling USB debugging on the phone and then re-enabling it has worked so far. Hopefully it keeps working! These fixes really seem like silly hacks.. I'm not sure what the underlying problem is.