Android – Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges


Eclipse is giving me an error on the android:configChanges line in my AndroidManifest.xml:

<activity android:name=""

the error is:

error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'configChanges' with value 'keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize').

If I leave only keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation there's no error, but compiler asks for the 4 remaining ones when I try and build.

I'm using GoogleAdMobAdsSDK-4.3.1.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I got it working by changing my ( on SDK's lower then 14) file to:

# Project target.

and in my SDK Manager having the SDK Platform Android 4.0 – Revision 14 installed.

It should also work for SDK Platform android 3.2 – revision 13, so you just have to change the target to android-13 if that is the case. Basically you just have to make sure that the SDK revision is 13 or above, and that you have that SDK installed in the SDK manager and the project target in default/ pointing to it.

Best Answer

Easy solution: (and NO you don't need to to change the min-sdk value !!)

Step 1: Change "" file

# Project target.

Step 2: In Eclipse

Project > Clean... > (select your project) > Clean projects selected below > OK

For a complete explanation with real example use this tutorial

Cheers !

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