Android – ADT will not allow creation of Android Activity


I installed the ADT bundle from yesterday, and I was following a basic Hello World tutorial. I created a new Android Application Project with a Blank Activity named MainActivity. The resulting project has an empty src folder and empty res\layout folder. There is a file in the gen folder but it has no reference to MainActivity. This is what the SDK manager says I have installed

  • Android SDK Tools v 22.6
  • Android SDK Platform-tools v 19.0.1
  • Android SDK Build-tools v 19
  • SDK Platform v 3
  • ARM EABI v7a System Image v 2
  • Android Support Library v 19.0.1
  • Google USB Driver v 9

I also tried manually creating an activity by right clicking the src folder and going to Android Activity, but when I hit Finish on the creation wizard, nothing happens. Does anyone have any clues as to what's going on? Did I miss a key component to install or something?

Best Answer

If you updated to Android SDK Tools version 22.6, you are required to Update DDMS Tools and Plugins.

Go to "Help Menu Bar" -> "Install New software" and install (this will update it) url:

Also update "Developer Tools" and "NDK Plugins" to latest Version. This steps is useful for me and worked also.