Android application icon goes blurry


My apk icon goes blurry when creating the apk.
I tried even to download some apk that has a very sharp (android app) icon and placing it
inside of my apk but I get the same result.

how is it possible that my icon goes blurry when I see it very sharp in other app using the same icon?

of course I used multiple icon size:
ldpi (120 dpi) (Low density screen) 36 x 36 px
mdpi (160dpi)(Medium density screen) 48 x 48 px
hdpi (240 dpi)(Highdensity screen) 72 x 72 px
xhdpi (320 dpi) (Extra-high density screen) 96 x 96 px

but it didn't help. how can I fix it?

Thank you

Best Answer

A little late to the party, but if someone searches for this issue, you might want to check if your icons are in /drawable or /mipmap. Latter really bumps the quality up, if you haven't had your launcher icons in there before.

See also: