Android – Bluetooth RFCOMM connection: read serial data from com port in Windows 7


I am working with the Android Bluetooth Chat sample application. I am trying to read serial data from the Android device in Windows 7.

I have been able to pair the Android device to the Bluetooth adapter on my laptop. I replaced the UUID in the sample application with the following per some other discussions:

private static final UUID MY_UUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");

When I run the Android application I am able to connect to the laptop. In the "Hardware" properties of my Android device there is a "Device Function" entry called "Standards Serial over Bluetooth link (COM10)". When I attempt to connect CoolTerm to COM10 I receive "error 1168" (there is no additional description for the error).

Am I misunderstanding something about the process of sending serial data via Bluetooth to a Windows com port?

Best Answer

Be sure that you are selecting the correct COM. In my last Android application that required SPP (Serial Port Profile) Bluetooth communication, when Windows 7 paired I had several COM's open up.

Picture of BT settings with all the COMs that were created

If COM10 is not working, verify that it is the "incoming" COM (or maybe it's outgoing, I can't remember b/c it's been a few months).

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