Android – Cannot call determinedVisibility() – never saw a connection for the pid – Not navigate to the Html page


Below is my code to open the home.html page upon successful login for my Android app. But when I click the login button it loads the same index.html page (It isn't opening home.html).

function check(form)  {
    //the following code checkes whether the entered userid and password are matching
    if(form.password.value == "moleac123") {
        if(form.remember_me.checked) {
            window.localStorage["password_remember"] = "moleac123";
            var date_to_remember = new Date().getTime();
            window.localStorage["date_remember"] = date_to_remember.toString();
        $.mobile.pageLoadErrorMessage = "";
       //'home.html'); //opens the target page while Id & password matches
    else {
        alert("Invalid Password"); //displays error message
        $.mobile.pageLoadErrorMessage = "";

I got the below error on my logcat. (Note my query mobile version is 1.3.2 and I have tried to upgrade to 1.4.5 still the same issue occurs)


D/JsMessageQueue﹕ Set native->JS mode to null D/CordovaWebViewImpl﹕ onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/home.html)

W/BindingManager﹕ Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 20994

D/CordovaWebViewImpl﹕ onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/home.html)

W/BindingManager﹕ Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 20994

W/BindingManager﹕ Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 20994

Note- This works fine in Android 4.1.X version, it has this issue in Android5.0

Please advice how I could fix this.

Best Answer

Have you tried this? In the logcat for that post there is something about BindingManager﹕ Cannot call determinedVisibility() so maybe the suggested solution will help here too?

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