Android – Can’t change target API in AVD Manager


When I create a new virtual device in AVD Manager, in the target drop down menu I only have two options available: API levels 8 and 17 (2.2 and 4.2.2), although I have installed all APIs in between, with all their subcomponents. What's more, if I do select 4.2.2 the OK button is disabled.

How can I add target APIs to the AVD Manager? Aren't they directly linked to the SDKs I've got installed?

Best Answer

They aren't tied to the SDK versions that you have installed; the available AVD versions are tied to the system images that you have installed via the SDK manager.

For example, you can see ARM EABI v7a System Image, Intel x86 Atom System Image, and MIPS System Image under Android 4.2 (API17) in the SDK manager.