Android – Can’t find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse


Seems like I'm having some problems after updating my android sdk tools and platform-tools using the sdk manager. The problem is that, after updating, I found that the avd or sdk options in the windows dropdown menu in eclipse are gone! And, I can't find any option to create an android project from file->new projects any more.

I tried removing the ADT from eclipse and the software site "" from "available software sites" and then reinstalled the ADT from "" using help->install new software. The installation was successful, but I still don't have any option for shortcuts to the SDK manager or the AVD in eclipse, and neither can I create a new android project.

By the way, the android perspectives are not gone, they are still here. Also, I can manually open the avd and sdk manager from the directory where I have installed them.

Can anyone please show me a workaround? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I have solved this as follows:

  1. Window > Customize Perspective... (you will see Android and AVD Manager are disabled)

  2. Command Groups Availability > Android and AVD Manager > check

  3. Tool Bar Visibility > Android and AVD Manager > check