Android – Can’t Play video in android uploaded from iphone


I have upload and play videos on both Android and iPhone devices but video uploaded from iPhone is not working on's not play in android video player. It's give me error message

"sorry this video can not be played"

video is in mp4 format.

Best Answer

Yes, That's right.

It happens because the android support limited codecs in-built like mp3,mp4,mpeg.

While iphone support most of codecs.

What is the way to resolve this?

MP4 for video and MP3 for audio are widely accepted and work on both platforms.

So you need do some stuff at the server. Implement the ffmpeg library that will convert all the videos to MP4 and audio to MP3.

We are doing same mechanism to resolve this issue.

Find FFMPEG implementation for PHP Here and

Command to convert all videos to MP4 Here Hope this helps you.
