Android – Chrome remote debug Samsung Galaxy s4


I tried to use the remote debugging tool of Google Chrome for my Samsung Galaxy S4 ( But my Chrome does not found my device after i used about:inspect. The list stays empty.

I already install the newest driver on my computer and both devices running Chrome version 32. On my phone the USB debugging checkbox is checked.

Does someone know what i can do to view my phone trough Chrome debugging?

Best Answer

Do you have ADT (Android Development Toolkit) installed? If so, you may have to restart the ADB server. Follow these steps: (from this answer).

  1. Open a command prompt (Win+R, "cmd.exe", Enter)
  2. Go to the platform-tools directory of your locally installed ADT. In my case:

    cd /d D:\apps\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030\sdk\platform-tools
  3. Restart the ADT server by running the following commands:

    adb.exe kill-server
    adb.exe start-server
  4. Now observe that your tablet will ask for remote debugging permission (by checking a fingerprint) upon connection.

  5. The device should now be found if you open chrome://inspect.