Android – Convert Windows Mobile 6.1 app to Android


I have a fairly large windows mobile app (written in NETCF 3.5). Those in power at my company are wanting to convert this app to run on Android.

What similarities are there between Android development and Windows Mobile (not Windows Phone) development? Specifically:

  • Window Forms (ie the UI)
  • P-invokes (my app has a lot of these)
  • WCF/SOAP web services support
  • C# and Visual Studio Development tools

Also, if you feel inclined, I would like a general statement on how a conversion would be from someone who has done it. (Keep in mind that I have never made an Android app.)

Someone (a non-programmer) here did a Google search and found a "tool" that converts Windows Mobile apps to Android for you (push of the button kind of thing). That person now has everyone believing that this conversion will take no time at all.

As a developer that has worked on several platforms, I just find that really hard to believe (though I would be happy to be wrong).

Best Answer

check out Will Google Android ever support .NET? as it might be what you're looking for. Not sure how well it works, but if the non-programmer is willing to front the money, I say give it a try

Update: Looks like mono switched companies: