Android – false error from Eclipse: Function ‘__android_log_print’ could not be resolved (Android, CDT)


I have an Android NDK project whose NDK part compiles ok from command line;
I used to have no problems with running the compiled stuff from under Eclipse as a pure Java project. But I converted it to a C/C++ project and now cannot even run it.

I see in the "Console" that the library is built,
BUT: Eclipse tells me that my project has errors and it will not run it.
(Why on Earth? The code is compiled!!!)

I have resolved some issues with missing symbols by adding include paths to the project properties.

But I'm still getting this weird
Function '__android_log_print' could not be resolved

So, two questions:

  1. How do I get rid of this error? (Can it be ignored?)
  2. Plan B: how do I convert this mixed C/C++/Java project to a pure Java one?

= = =

PS "As you call the ship, so it will do". Could not they just find a better name for an IDE, something like "Lucid coding"? (Rhetoric question)

= = =

UPDATE: It looks like Eclipse reports errors only for the files that it sees (that is, shows you). I have opened another file with a LOGD macro, and the Eclipse reported an error for it too. I have closed all file windows, closed Eclipse and deleted a .something file. After that, I was able to run the application. I did not risk to open the source files with that logging macro. (That's very far from "Lucid coding", isn't it?)

Best Answer

The configuration of CDT indexer needs to enable "Index unused headers ..."

How to get there: Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Indexer.

enter image description here

Gets rid of the error for me.