Android – Flutter – How to make a column screen scrollable


I'm building a flutter app with a Login Screen. On focus on the text field(s), the screen is overflowed and i cannot scroll. I've tried using a ListView.builder, but that just gives a renderBox error, and the regular ListView doesn't work

Screen on Text Input

The widget structure is like this

   - body
     - container
       - column    
           - form
              - column
                  - textInput
                  - textInput
                  - container    
           - container
              - row      
           - raisedButton

Thank You in advance !!

Best Answer

The ListView solution should work, but at the time of writing, it suffers from the crash listed here. Another way to achieve the same thing without this crash is to use a SingleChildScrollView:

return new Container(
  child: new SingleChildScrollView(
    child: new Column(
      children: <Widget>[