Android – Flutter: Waiting for another flutter commando to release the startup lock


The following steps were attempted:

  • Delete the folder ./build with the command: flutter clean
  • Delete duplicate .dart processes but it does not work
  • Delete the .lockfile file, but when I delete it, it generates it again

My operating system is: Windows 10 Professional 64 bits

I am using: Android Studios

Here is the link to the publication that I read before asking this question:
Url: Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock

enter image description here

In the list of processes I see 2 or 3 .dart read that closing the .dart process made the construction of the project work. But it is not working.

enter image description here

I would appreciate any help, thanks.

Best Answer

if your OS is Windows, try this:

taskkill /F /IM dart.exe

if your OS is OSX, try this:

killall -9 dart