Android – For Android Map api v2 Description references non existing library google-play-services_lib\bin\google-play-services_lib.jar

androidandroid-mapsandroid-mapviewgoogle apigoogle-maps-android-api-2

I have import google-play-services_lib into my workspace and Add google project into MYProject it give mr error:

Description Resource Path Location Type
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library 'D:\Android
Workspace\google-play-services_lib\bin\google-play-services_lib.jar' HBuddy Build
path Build Path Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type The project cannot be built
until build path errors are resolved HBuddy Unknown Java Problem

and I have already installed Google Play Service in Extras enter image description here

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

I met this issue as well.

My solution is,

  1. clean project google-play-services_lib firstly
  2. then clean my project which depends on play service library
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