Android – Google Play: Beta release to Production release

We recently decided to update our new application for Beta release on google play,

Now after reading the guide, there were some questions that I had in my mind and wanted to know more about them, I googled for further understanding found some answers but there are still somethings that I wasn't sure about so decided to put this question up:

  • For Beta releases is it possible to make a beta release that is available to all the google play users(as a normal production app) or will it be available to all?
    (Since as per this guide it gives me an idea that the application will only be available to a set amount of users.)

Make sure users can join the tests. Your testers will need to have a Google account ( or a G Suite account to join a test.

Run tests internally. Use the internal testing track to push your app to up to 100 internal testers in seconds.

  • Once I release a beta application and I decide to now put it for production, will it be uploaded as a different application or the same also will the comments that were posted to the beta release google play app be visible on my production app?
    (Didn't quite get anything in relation to this one.)

  • In one of the points, it said that my application should have a higher version code in the beta release then that of the production release, But if I have a higher version in that release would it not be the application that will be getting downloaded even when it might not be the most stable version? (this one actually confused me big time)

Check your Android App Bundle version number. For an app on the internal, closed, or open testing tracks to be available to testers, it must have a higher version code than your production version.

  • Is there a designated field where I can provide this email for the beta testers or can I just provide it in the description of the application?

Provide a channel for testers to send you feedback. For closed tests, offer testers the ability to provide feedback by email, at a website, in a message forum, or through another suitable mechanism.

Best Answer

For Beta releases is it possible to make a beta release that is available to all the google play users

You can release your app as an Open Beta, which anyone who wants can get access to (without being invited by you). See (specifically the part Step 1: Set up test details - Open test: surface your test app on Google Play)

Once I release a beta application and I decide to now put it for production, will it be uploaded as a different application or the same

Same. There's no re-uploading - you just change the state of the release.

also will the comments that were posted to the beta release google play app be visible on my production app?

Testers can't leave public reviews on Google Play.

But if I have a higher version in that release would it not be the application that will be getting downloaded even when it might not be the most stable version?

Well, that's the point.They have opted in to be testers of your app, so they get the latest available version. If they want to revert back to only getting production versions they can opt out of the test program.

Is there a designated field where I can provide this email for the beta testers or can I just provide it in the description of the application?

This is explained on the page I linked to: Next to "Feedback channel," add an email address or URL to collect feedback from testers. Your app's feedback channel will be shown to users on your tester opt-in page.