Android – How to change actionBar icon size


The actionBar icon should like
imageenter image description here

When the device resolution is 1920×1080 and android 4.2 above, the icon size looks very small:
imageenter image description here

(android 4.1 is correct)

My problem seems like i-want-to-change-actionbar-icon-size.

The icon image size is 113×40, then I use getActionBar().getHeight() to get ActionBar height is 56.


<menu xmlns:android="" >


I tried following method but doesn't work:

  1. create bigger icon image (ex.170×60) then put into drawable-hdpi(xhdpi, xxhdpi…etc.) folder

  2. use menu.findItem( resId, int w, int h)); to resize icon

  3. added a style < item name="android:actionBarSize" > 200dp < /item > in style.xml
    then set theme in Manifest file

Is there a way can show the icon correctly?

Best Answer

Too late to answer but, I found the answer

It's quite simple. First, convert drawable into a bitmap, resize it and re-convert into drawable. Then get the item of the menu and set the icon as the new drawable.

Please add this re-size method on your activity as follow.

private Bitmap resizeBitmapImageFn(
        Bitmap bmpSource, int maxResolution){
    int iWidth = bmpSource.getWidth();
    int iHeight = bmpSource.getHeight();
    int newWidth = iWidth ;
    int newHeight = iHeight ;
    float rate = 0.0f;

    if(iWidth > iHeight ){
        if(maxResolution < iWidth ){
            rate = maxResolution / (float) iWidth ;
            newHeight = (int) (iHeight * rate);
            newWidth = maxResolution;
        if(maxResolution < iHeight ){
            rate = maxResolution / (float) iHeight ;
            newWidth = (int) (iWidth * rate);
            newHeight = maxResolution;

    return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(
            bmpSource, newWidth, newHeight, true);

and add the work in the onCreateOptionsMenu

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

    Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_navigation_drawer); //Converting drawable into bitmap
    Bitmap new_icon = resizeBitmapImageFn(icon, 50); //resizing the bitmap
    Drawable d = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(),new_icon); //Converting bitmap into drawable
    menu.getItem(0).setIcon(d); //choose the item number you want to set
    return true;