Android – How to Debug Android application line by line using Eclipse


I am familiar with VS.Net IDE & it has a lot of support for debugging. But the android development is something new for me. I am using the Eclipse IDE. I was wondering how to debug the android application line by line just like we can do in .Net IDE?

Currently i am using the log window, but i am not happy with it. I need suggestion from the expert guys, what is the best way to debug the Android application using Eclipse?

Great thanks for your valuable time & help.

Best Answer

  1. either start the app by right clicking on the project and select Debug As->Android Application or by running it normally and later in the DDMS perspective select the running app in your devices pane and click on the green bug.

  2. once a breakpoint has been hit you can step over (f6) or step into (f5) (check the Run menu for more commands).