Android – How to enable A2DP sink functionality in Android


I'm developing a customized embedded device which uses Gingerbread 2.3.4 as an OS.
Now the device should be able to play audio streaming from other A2DP-enabled devices such as iPhone or other Android devices. I know that the Gingerbread includes Bluez stack 4.69 which is capable of A2DP sink functionality. However, I doubt that Android exposes these APIs.

Do you have any ideas how I can achieve this functionality? Since I'm not developing a generic Android App, any kinds of non-standard method will be appreciated. I think the Bluez stack can be directly accessed through DBus interface even in Android.

Best Answer

Bluez can support A2DP sink. but Android framework doesn't enable this profile.

you may implement the Bluetooth device path using hard-code practice