Android – How to filter Fiddler sessions to show only a specific remote computer


I've followed this to allow me to view http traffic from my Android tablet on Fiddler installed on my PC. It works well.

However, I am seeing ALL traffic, including that from my local PC – which is still overly chatty despite closing down all my browsers. I would like to use a filter to show a specific device. The filters page doesn't appear to allow this.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Your first and simplest step is to untick the Capture Traffic option on Fiddler's File menu; this will unregister Fiddler as the system's proxy.

Beyond that, you could write a rule inside Rules > OnBeforeRequest:

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oSession["x-ProcessInfo"])) { 
    oSession["ui-hide"] = "localprocess"; 

This will hide any traffic from a process on your local PC, thus showing only remote traffic.

If you had multiple remote computers and wanted only traffic from one of them, you'd write your rule to examine the oSession["X-CLIENTIP"] flag.

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