Android – how to get android screen size programmatically, once and for all


How can I find out my screen size programmatically,
in the units used by touch events
and View measurement/layout?
In other words, I want the coordinates
of the bottom-right corner of the screen,
in the coordinate system used by touch events'
getRawX()/getRawY() and View.getLocationOnScreen().

I'm hesitant to call the desired event/view units "pixels"
since evidently there are several notions of "pixels"
on my phone in various modes,
and they're not adding up to a consistent story.

I see this has been asked and answered a lot
on stackoverflow and elsewhere,
but none of the answers actually work on my phone
(droid 4, android 4.1.2) in all modes:


This is for library code that needs to work
regardless of whether the app is in "screen compatibility mode"
(i.e. targetSdkVersion<=10 in the manifest) or not,
and I also don't want to make any assumptions
about the position, size, or existence of the status bar
or any other similar screen decorations.

Here are the facts:

  1. my phone (a droid 4 running android 4.1.2)
    has 540×960 physical pixels,
    i.e. little colored glowing dots.

  2. the size of the screen in the desired units,
    from looking at touch events and View measurements, is
    360×640 when the app is in screen compat mode,
    540×960 when the app is not in screen compat mode.
    These are the numbers I need to find programmatically,
    without mucking with touch events or Views to find them,
    but I'm having extreme difficulty finding any API
    that will return these numbers.

  3. Display and DisplayMetrics objects obtained
    in various ways all claim the screen size
    is 540×960 "pixels"
    (whether in screen compat mode or not).
    To be specific, the following all say 540×960 all the time:

  4. Configuration objects obtained in various ways
    all say screen{Width,Height}Dp = 360×614
    (whether in screen compat mode or not).
    I don't believe that represents the whole screen,
    since the aspect ratio is wrong.
    (I think it's the whole screen
    minus the status bar; I need the whole screen.)
    I think it's safe to say that the whole screen is 360×640 dp,
    though I don't know any API that returns that 640.

  5. DisplayMetrics obtained in various ways
    say the "density" is
    1.0f when in screen compat mode,
    1.5f when not in screen compat mode.

  6. The activity's
    isn't helpful since it typically contains MATCH_PARENT
    rather than actual sizes.
    But I can apparently get the desired answer from an activity's
    (which is actually surprising since
    the activity's window's decorView
    doesn't look like it's taking up the whole screen;
    it looks like it's taking up the screen minus the status bar).
    But I don't want to rely on this because if the window ever gets resized
    (soft keyboard appearing? someone calling window.setAttributes()?
    or maybe I'm not in an Activity at all),
    this is clearly going to be all wrong.

I understand the following formula is supposed to hold:
pixels = dp * density
That seems to agree with all the reported numbers ((3),(4),(5) above)
when not in screen compatibility mode:
540×960 = 360×640 * 1.5
But in screen compatibility mode it doesn't add up:
540×960 != 360×640 * 1
So, something is awry.

The simplest explanation, I think,
is that the methods listed in (3) above
are simply giving the wrong answer for "pixels" when
in screen compat mode– that is, they were intended
to return 360×640 "pixels" but they are wrongly returning 540×960 instead.
But there may be other ways of looking at it.

In any case, getting the desired numbers regardless of mode,
from the above puzzle pieces, is certainly a tricky puzzle.
I have found a way that seems to work on my phone in both modes,
but it is extremely circuitous,
and it relies on two assumptions that still seem rather shaky
(as described in the code comments below).

Here is my recipe:

/** get screen size in "pixels", i.e. touchevent/view units.
* on my droid 4, this is 360x640 or 540x960
* depending on whether the app is in screen compatibility mode
* (i.e. targetSdkVersion<=10 in the manifest) or not. */
public void getScreenSizePixels(int widthHeightInPixels[/*2*/])
    Resources resources = getResources();
    Configuration config = resources.getConfiguration();
    DisplayMetrics dm = resources.getDisplayMetrics();
    // Note, screenHeightDp isn't reliable
    // (it seems to be too small by the height of the status bar),
    // but we assume screenWidthDp is reliable.
    // Note also, dm.widthPixels,dm.heightPixels aren't reliably pixels
    // (they get confused when in screen compatibility mode, it seems),
    // but we assume their ratio is correct.
    double screenWidthInPixels = (double)config.screenWidthDp * dm.density;
    double screenHeightInPixels = screenWidthInPixels * dm.heightPixels / dm.widthPixels;
    widthHeightInPixels[0] = (int)(screenWidthInPixels + .5);
    widthHeightInPixels[1] = (int)(screenHeightInPixels + .5);

Is there any better/cleaner way
to find the size of the screen??

Best Answer

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;

Now you can measure your screen size in pixel which is a better measurement unit than centimeter because all the buttons ,textviews etc.. are measured in this unit. That what I use normally