Android – How to get the VS Android Emulator Images to launch

androidandroid-emulatorvisual studiovisual-studio-2015

I've installed the RTM build of VS2015 with the Android Tools. I can launch the emulator manager and see the list of installed images. When I click the green triangle to start an image, it shows a progress bar and the text "Launching emulator…" and XDE opens up with the message "OS is starting"

After a while, XDE shows an error message:

[Window Title]
Visual Studio Emulator for Android

The emulator is unable to connect to the device operating system:

Couldn't set up the UDP port.

Some functionality might be disabled.


Strangely, when I look in Hyper-V Manager, the image seems to be running perfectly.

I have already removed the GuestDisplayNameProvider line from xdesku.xml, which was previously resulting in the error: "Failed to read from dev/hw_random: No such device" on startup.

Best Answer

So I finally fixed this issue, it's because I had broken virtual ethernet adapters. Here's what I did to fix it.

  • Remove Hyper-V through by turning off the windows feature.
  • Reboot
  • Open device manager and go to network adapters.
  • Remove all of the Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapters
  • Enable Hyper-V through by turning the windows feature back on.
  • Reboot
  • Try to run your emulator, you should notice that the Virtual Ethernet Adapters are recreated and working.