Android – How to handle Dynamic JSON in Retrofit


I am using the retrofit efficient networking library, but I am unable to handle Dynamic JSON which contains single prefix responseMessage which changes to object randomly, the same prefix ( responseMessage) changes to String in some cases (dynamically).

Json format Object of responseMessage:

      "forename":" taylor",


responseMessage Json format dynamically changes to type string:


My problem is since retrofit has built-in JSON parsing, I have to assign single POJO per request! but the REST-API unfortunately, is built on dynamic JSON responses. The prefix will change from string to object randomly in both success(…) and failure(…) methods!

void doTrackRef(Map<String, String> paramsref2) {
    RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().setEndpoint("").build();

    TrackerRefRequest userref = restAdapter.create(TrackerRefRequest.class);
            new Callback<TrackerRefResponse>() {
                public void success(
                        TrackerRefResponse trackdetailresponse,
                        Response response) {

                    Toast.makeText(TrackerActivity.this, "Success",


                public void failure(RetrofitError retrofitError) {

                    Toast.makeText(TrackerActivity.this, "No internet",



public class TrackerRefResponse {

private String applicationType;

    private String responseMessage;          //String type

//private ResponseMessage responseMessage;  //Object of type ResponseMessage

//Setters and Getters


In above code POJO prefix responseMessage is set to string or object of type responseMessage , so we can create the POJO with ref variable with same name (java basics 🙂 ) so I'm looking for same solution for dynamic JSON in Retrofit.
I know this is very easy job in normal http clients with async task, but it's not the best practice in the REST-Api JSON parsing! looking at the performance Benchmarks always Volley or Retrofit is the best choice, but I'm failed handle dynamic JSON!

Possible solution I Know

  1. Use old asyc task with http client parsing. 🙁

  2. Try to convince the RESTapi backend developer.

  3. Create custom Retrofit client 🙂

Best Answer

Late to the party, but you can use a converter.

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
    .setConverter(new DynamicJsonConverter()) // set your static class as converter here

api = restAdapter.create(FacebookApi.class);

Then you use a static class which implements retrofit's Converter:

static class DynamicJsonConverter implements Converter {

    @Override public Object fromBody(TypedInput typedInput, Type type) throws ConversionException {
        try {
            InputStream in =; // convert the typedInput to String
            String string = fromStream(in);
            in.close(); // we are responsible to close the InputStream after use

            if (String.class.equals(type)) {
                return string;
            } else {
                return new Gson().fromJson(string, type); // convert to the supplied type, typically Object, JsonObject or Map<String, Object>
        } catch (Exception e) { // a lot may happen here, whatever happens
            throw new ConversionException(e); // wrap it into ConversionException so retrofit can process it

    @Override public TypedOutput toBody(Object object) { // not required
        return null;

    private static String fromStream(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        return out.toString();

I have written this sample converter so it returns the Json response either as String, Object, JsonObject or Map< String, Object >. Obviously not all return types will work for every Json, and there is sure room for improvement. But it demonstrates how to use a Converter to convert almost any response to dynamic Json.